Package Description
You will get access the following perks
Special BGrade
Automatic upgrading will no longer use resources
Handyman repairs multiple things around you
Command: /handyman
Increased building limit
Medium building limit (3750 instead of 2500)
Change your name colour
Command: /colour
Faster teleportation to players (1s instead of 3s)
Faster teleportation to homes (1s instead of 3s)
More homes (25 instead of 15)
Queue bypass
No fall damage
Save turret loadouts
Allows you to automatically put ammo in turrets
Command: /tl
You will get access to the following kits (more information can be found here)
VIP "Daily"
VIP "Monthly"
VIP "Limited monthly"
Turret #1 "Turman"
Turret #2 "Turlov"
Turret #3 "Turflir"